My Prince

My Prince
I love you Ben 10

About Me

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Hi, I'm 35 and mummy to Ben 10 (nickname) who will be 1 in July 2012. I'm also pregnant and due in September 2012 and keeping the sex a surprise until he/she arrives. Too excited but alot calmer 2nd time around. I'm looking forward to blogging about the things I enjoy, and also the things which I've not enjoyed and hopefully people will enjoy reading it. I used to work in a department for a major retailer where I used to test products so I would love to able to do that in my spare time and provide reviews. I'm open, and honest ... and a chatterbox.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Big foot.... and the bump

Gone are the days when I could happily slip on a sexy pair of shoes and head out of the house feeling 10 feet tall thanks to the heels!

Pregnancy has not only taken it's toll on my breasts and tummy but also every other part of my anatomy has suffered too... the latest being my feet.

Why do 'they' fail to tell you all this when you first fall pregnant? I really could have done with a little list of 'what you will no longer have' handed to me in preparation rather than the big hugs, smiles and congratulations.

As I sit here typing, my feet are throbbing in agony whilst I maintain a smile and walk happily around the office in my shiny new shoes which I recently treated myself to. I tried them on in the shop and my old, trusty size 5 feet were gone. I tried on a 7 but they were too big, so I opted for the feel good factor and bought a 6. I've had great comments on my shoes today 'lovely', 'different', 'pretty' and I just want to reply 'UNCOMFORTABLE'! When nobody is looking I walk like I've got Ben 10's shoes on, I've got sores on the back and sides of my feet and just want to cry but in the spirit of looking 'pretty' I will persevere.

I never thought my feet would grow, after all I'm 35 and no longer a toddler needing to head of to Clarkes to be measured. My mum told me with a smile, ''its because you are pregnant'' - that comment did not help me at all.

I know I am pregnant, I know that for the joy of life I have lost my figure, and my sanity but did my feet really need to follow suit?

They're not swollen, or puffy... they've just GROWN lengthwise and I no longer have a foot size.

Am I the only one who is WEIRD or are there others suffering the same? God, I hope so!

I look forward to the day that shops offer a pretty selection of shoes for expectant mothers but until then I think I need to resort to slippers under my desk.

1 comment:

  1. My feet went up a size with Sam. So far, they are still the same this time around x
