Friday 11 May 2012

Happy Friday ...

I love Fridays! The start of the weekend and the end of a stressful week, but it means I get to spend time with my little boy and get lots of huggles.

He's a bit off with me this week, I think being a fulltime mummy means my little prince is starting to forget who I am. Hubby looks after him whilst I go out to earn a living and it's hard coming home to find that my little boy has done something new and I've missed it *pulls sad face*.

Today, I received a message telling me "he's crawling" but is it silly of me to feel happy that my son has mastered the art of moving forwards (rather than his normal backwards slide) whilst also feeling jealous that I wasn't there to see him in action?

Yesterday, I left for work and little Ben 10 was hitting my hands as I reached out to give him a hug - he turned to his daddy and gave him a big kiss.... yes, more mummy jealousy.

I'm hoping he'll wait until I am on maternity leave before he starts to crawl, not realistic though as he will be 13 months. Guess I need to dust down the camcorder and get hubby to start filming these momentous occasions for mummy to watch whilst crying into tissues.

My baby is growing... and I'm missing it all.

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