Monday 30 April 2012

BAD pregnant mummy

Well, it took me 18 months to successfully secure employment. I've had a lot of time off as my son keeps having recurrent breathing difficulties which have been put down to bronchiolitis or asthma (too early to diagnose the latter). When I told work I was pregnant, I was extremely nervous, and told my 'health care provider' and we agreed I would attend mw checks as standard. Imagine my surprise when I was sent stroppy letters to tell me I had missed consultant appointments and when I telephoned to enquire why I need to see a consultant - no body could tell me.

After going round in circles, I was given a date to see the consultant at St Albans hospital - but the day before, my son was taken into hospital, and was admitted overnight... my priority was my son and so it skipped my mind about the appointment.

Anyway, long story short - I had a phone call with one of the midwives at the hospital and explained my situation and she was very understanding and booked me in to see the consultant - this is due to my BMI being 35. We rescheduled to 8th May.

On Friday afternoon (27th April), my dear mother telephones me at work to tell me she has just had an annoyed midwife arrive on the doorstep to ask why I was not attending appointments? why had I cancelled? that it was highly irresponsible not to attend these appointments, and that I was putting myself AND my baby at risk. She also went on to tell her I had very important injections to have (this is my anti D). My poor mother was beside herself with worry and also angry at me (yes, although I am 35 she still likes to think of me as her 'baby'), I spent ages reassuring her that my anti D was on 27th June, and that everything was ok, there was no urgent reason for me to see the consultant other than be monitored about my weight.

I was so angry. How dare she come to the house when a private phone call would have been sufficient? AND why would you tell any person that opens the door to you my whole scenario about appointments/anti D... .or even that I am pregnant?? What if I hadn't told my family? There are loads of 'what ifs' I can list and given all the hype about data protection, patient privacy - looks like an epic fail on this occasion.

She left me an appointment letter for 8th May marked URGENT and went on her way leaving my mum very worried, and me, annoyed!

I'm not sure how I deal with this to be honest, I don't know her name as she was good enough to omit writing it on the letter so I cannot even rant at her. I've not met MY midwife yet as that will happen this week (GP saw me previously).

Oh, forgot to say - she told my mum that if I had time to go to work, then I had time to see the consultant and that I had a legal right to attend appointments! Yes, I know this, but after a lot of time off/being in my probation period/and given that I need this job... as long as I am being cared for my by GP regularly... surely that's ok? My BP is fine - I went to the out of hours midwife service, and it was 120/80 - she said I was low risk for pre-eclampsia, my sugars are fine... so why the panic? After all, I saw the consultant all the way from my pregnancy with Ben 10.... didn't do him any favours when it came to the labour - despite his heart rate dropping during scan checks.

RANT OVER>>>> SECRET WIDWIFE - I will catch up with you and when I do, you may wish to cover your ears.

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